My name is Başak Pirtini. My background is Chemistry. I know how harmful certain chemicals can effect your body. After following the non-chemical natural living path for over 10 years, I love sharing my ecological practices and raising awareness for environment protection.
We are spiritual beings with immense energy so in my last years I am more focused on the eco-spiritual pathway working as a healer for humans, animals and our World. I am also a writer, speaker, natural living and wellness consultant.
Which areas in your life are you feeling stuck? Relationships? Business? Wealth? Physical health issues?
I have been spreading the Power Codes frequencies to the world, providing incredibly fast energy healing so that people can enjoy their full potential.
Discover This New Technology of Power Codes
Everything is energy. We are made of energy, which vibrates both high and low. Every energy is made up of a certain frequency. A code is a 15th-dimensional blueprint for a vibration. A perfect example would be a 528hz sound. Before it was a sound, it started as code, this code determines exactly what a 528hz sounds like, what it resonates at, and contains all the required information about how it will show up in reality. Do you want to tap into these codes in Power Codes Technique ?
Experience the Power Codes Sessions
These extremely powerful healing codes are most advanced healing tool known to man. Using a combination of sacred geometries and natures 5 element frequencies, it creates a very tangible healing effect on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of your being. Average session lasts 45 minutes.
Experience a Total Energy Reset
Are you a healer or someone serious about spiritual growth? Power Codes Protocols create deep energy clearings for healthy, happy and abundant living.
Protocols are massive energy clearings that turn you back to the original human blueprint design of your being to achieve fast, quick results to live in high frequency and become connected to joy, peace, divine love and Our Creator.
Learn the Power Codes
Do you want to help your family and friends by using the Power Codes? You can become a Power Codes Practitioner. Be the healer in the family!
Arrange a Session
Check the private sessions and monthly sessions for humans and animal companions using Power Codes. Start getting supported!
Activate deep clearings
Want to connect with your highest self and become your best version? Check Power Codes protocols for money, healing, relationships…
Learn About Structured Water
We’ve long known water is important for hydration and now leading doctors and scientists are showing us hydration is how you drink, eat, and move. And, it’s not just any kind of water, it’s water with an electrical charge. The charged water forms a hexagonal structure which shows beneficial properties for better health. The structured water units create this most beneficial type of water.
About Başak Pirtini
Başak has been interested in healing techniques for more than 20 years. She works for healing people, animals, nature and the world by using Power Codes and Animal Communication sessions. She has been spreading the Power Codes frequencies to the world, providing incredibly fast energy cleansing so that people can enjoy their full potential.
How The Codes Are Changing Lives
Here are some testimonials of people who have experienced the Power Codes, the Protocols and Structured Water.
Disclaimer: While İnterpro Bilgi Servisleri A.Ş. can’t guarantee any specific results, and published testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of any individual using The New World Healing Codes for any specific issue or problem, they represent what others have reported experiencing. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, motivation, and other factors.